If you would prefer to speak with us directly, please feel free to call anytime.
If you would prefer to speak with us directly, please feel free to call anytime.
If you would prefer to speak with us directly, please feel free to call anytime.
Outdoor Counselling?
Outdoor Counselling?
Adventure Respite Camps
Specialised adventure-based respite
Respite Camps are for Young People
In Out of Home Care (OOHC)
In Foster Care
Engaged with Youth Justice
NDIS Participants
Disengaged or at-risk of disengaging from school
Program Aims
To achieve our vision in supporting all young people in
our care, our adventure-based, trauma-informed approach,
supports young people to:
Discover potential
Build resilience and confidence
Promote team work
Build healthy relationships
Develop helpful behaviours
Promote protective life skills
Engaging in GOTYA respite camps, has shown young people to:
Develop stronger, more effective social skills
Feel more contained & safe
Genuinely engage in meaningful respite
Learn new skills
Staff are highly qualified and experienced in supporting
complex young people in overnight respite settings.
Staff are University and/or TAFE qualified in:
Youth Mental Health
Forensic Behavioural Science
Community Services
Primary & Secondary Education
Specialist Staff - Youth Mental Health Practitioner
Participants in our Respite Programs benefit from the expertise of our university-qualified Registered Counsellors. Many young people choose to engage with our specialized therapeutic staff during their respite period. Counsellors are readily available to offer their specialized support whenever it's required.
Respite Locations
Moe - GOTYA Centre, Residential Respite
All specialised equipment is supplied for our adventure activities. GOTYA maintain industry-standard fleets of mountain bikes, kayaks, fishing rods/tackle, PFDs, helmets and sandboards.
Protective Gear
In the event of inclement weather, young people are issued GOTYA-branded Gore-Tex Jackets and
Polar Fleece pullovers for use on program.
Camping Gear
GOTYA maintains a large fleet of appropriate tents, swags, thermals, shelters, sleeping bags, cookers, and sleeping mats for use on our programs.
All our programs are fully catered from the moment a young person is in our care.​​​​​​​​​​
​Respite Program Dates
Additional camps can be added where needed.​​